Fishing the Findhorn at Forres
Forres Angling Association manages the salmon and sea trout fishing on some four miles of the lower River Findhorn. extending from the upstream limit at Red Craig down to the Sea Pool, where the river enters Findhorn Bay. Fish may run the lower tidal pools on any tide throughout the season, so fresh salmon may be encountered in the association pools at any time. Once the river temperatures rise in late Spring, the salmon are often inclined to run quickly through to the middle and upper beats, especially in times of high water. At such times anglers fishing at Forres will hope that these running fish may take a breather now and again in the association pools – which they often do. The association water, however, can also benefit from low water conditions, when salmon might hold for a while in the pools in this lower section of the river, while they await a spate to draw them on to the upper river beats – providing opportunities for those salmon fishermen who are fortunate enough to find themselves in the right place at the right time on the Forres Association water.

Salmon may be caught by anglers fishing the Forres Angling Association pools from the start of the season on 11th February right through to the end of September, with grilse featuring more regularly in catches from June onwards. Yearly and monthly catches on the many river beats spread throughout the Findhorn’s 62 mile length vary from season to season according to weather and water conditions. The graph below, based on limited salmon catch figures published by the Findhorn, Nairn and Lossie Rivers Trust between 2011 and 2014, gives an idea of what might be expected throughout the fishing year, both on the river as a whole and on the waters managed by the Forres Angling Association.

Forres A A Fishing Pools
There are 17 named pools on the four miles of the Forres Association water, all eminently suited to fishing the fly, some benefitting from high water, others with a lovely flow even in times of low water. The location of all named fishing pools are shown on the map below, with photographs of each pool.
See more location maps/satellite views of the Forres Angling Association pools at Maps
Photographs of the Association Pools
Click on the images below to view enlargements of the main fishing pools on the Forres Angling Association’s four miles of salmon fishing on the River Findhorn. More photographs may be viewed in the Gallery